Get this! A potential golden opportunity of global proportions turned tragic when an outside observer tried to set foot into a Christian church.
Mahatma Gandhi is one of the best known figures of India’s history and the champion of non-violent protest. He was the pre-eminent political and ideological leader of India during the Indian Independence movement. During one sojourn to South Africa, Gandhi came into contact with the Gospel – the salvation story of Jesus Christ. He was very intrigued by it. He began fervently studying the Bible. He grew increasingly captivated by the teachings of Jesus Christ. Gandhi was so interested in learning more about this so-called Savior that he went to a church. He was turned away. The church did not accept people of his race. Gandhi later said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
Gandhi experienced first hand the stark contrast that can exist between Jesus and those of us who follow Him. If you’re reading this apology, odds are you’ve experienced this stark contrast too. We…make that I…can be such a judgmental, selfish, hateful, unforgiving, self-righteous, holier-than-thou hypocrite.
I’d like to apologize on behalf of all of us Christians who have messed it up. I am sorry for all the times I made it impossible for you to see Jesus. I am sorry for all the times I did not extend love to you. I am sorry for all the times we’ve made you the target of our destructive debates about doctrine. I am sorry for the hypocrisy that casts a dark shadow on the luminous authenticity of the God I trust and adore. Will you forgive me? Will you forgive us?
Would you consider placing perfect Jesus in His very own category? He deserves to be differentiated. He deserves His own category because He, like a magnetic force, always attracts. We, His followers, often repel. Far too frequently, I’m afraid. That’s just what happens in this broken world with this race we call human. You can forget perfect.
I believe without a doubt that Christ founded the church and as with all things divinely created “It is good.” He built it on one proclamation. A truth ALL Christians can agree on. (Imagine that!) The bedrock of our faith is the statement Peter, one of Jesus’ very imperfect disciples, made when Jesus asked him, “WHO do you say I am?” Peter answered, “You are the Christ the Son of the Living God.” It is on this timeless truth, on this unshakeable foundation, that Christ built His church and commissioned us to continue the work He started.
“WHO do you say I am?”
It’s when we lose sight of the “WHO” that we really hurt you. We can so easily turn legalistic and divert our attention to “WHAT” we do and “HOW” we do things and “WHEN” we’re supposed to be “WHERE.” That’s religion.
My greatest discovery ever is that it’s the relationship not the religion that ROCKS. It’s all about the “WHO” and how He lived and loved. The greatest ROCKstar of all time. Jesus Christ. We his people are to BE CHRIST in this world and love you and every single person we come in contact with. Sorry for all the times we missed the mark. Please don’t let us get in the way!
You WHO! – are you still with me?
I invite you to come meet the Jesus I discovered when my world went dark – the Jesus I now encounter and enjoy every day – the ROCK Eternal who longs for a relationship with you and loves you more deeply than words can express. Consider rolling out the red carpet of your heart for Him. He’s that compelling. He’s that awesome.
This just in! Your Invitation…