CONGRATULATIONS if you’ve recently decided to follow Christ. You’ve settled your future. But you’ve enhanced your present too – your life right now. An added bonus? You’ll find your peace, passion, purpose and power expand knowing that you’re now on ROCKsolid ground. As the old hymn reminds us, “On Christ the solid rock we stand. All other ground is sinking sand.” Welcome to a firm, forever foundation.
CLICK HERE TO RECEIVE A COMPLIMENTARY MEMENTO AND INFORMATION PACKET: We want to celebrate your decision to follow Christ by sending you a weROCKformation package. We want you to MARK this important day by signing and dating a small purple ROCK. You’ll also receive an information packet outlining “next step” ideas for you to consider as your faith takes form and you begin your journey.
CAUTION: Becoming a Christ follower in no way guarantees life will be carefree and comfortable. But none of us should be surprised. It’s a broken world. This is why Jesus gave us this important reminder:
“I have told you these things so that IN ME you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33
This website is all about finding the “IN ME” peace that Jesus promised. Remain in Him and you will overcome the trouble this world throws at you. Click around this site and learn more about how you can get grounded every single day in Jesus Christ, The ROCK Eternal.
It was at the Catalyst leadership conference in 2004 that I first heard Ron Martoia speak. At one point in his message, Ron shared that he invites people at his church to sign a rock when they accept Christ then take a vial of water as a reminder that baptism is the next step in the journey. All these years later, Ron’s powerful gestures served as the catalyst behind the weROCKformation package. These days, Ron is a Transformational Architect leading – a web and conference based resource brokering the best leadership, cultural and theological resources.
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