If you plant pumpkin seeds you expect to harvest pumpkins.
If you sow corn seeds you will reap corn.
Apple seeds will yield a harvest of apples.
The principle of sowing and reaping is a simple truth. Yet in life, love and relationships we tend to overcomplicate it. Why? Because when we fully grasp the simplicity of the principle we lose our right to complain, blame and rattle off our long list of excuses. We are forced to examine how it is we are planting the same seeds over and over again, day after day, yet expecting a different harvest. Too often we plant apple seeds and hope for corn. Want a different harvest in your life? Plant different seeds.
Galatians 6:7 breaks it down, “Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” All of our actions and words have consequences. All of our actions and words determine our harvest. Words of life produce life. Words of death produce destruction. Purposeful actions move you closer to your dreams. Lack of action keeps you stuck and distant from your desired harvest.
This principle was in play for me when I watched the Olympic Games this past summer. I marveled at the beautifully sculpted bodies of the athletes who competed for gold. I wanted and wished for a body just like that. Yet check out the stats I posted:
[ ] Opening Ceremonies were enjoyed with Baskin Robbins chocolate peanut butter chunk ice cream.
[ ] The women’s gymnastics team takes the all-around gold. I watch the victory with a plate of cheesy nachos…topped with lettuce and tomato to score a few healthy points.
[ ] Closing Ceremonies were accompanied by a pint of Starbucks Classic Coffee ice cream.
I rest my case. The principle of sowing and reaping is painfully simple.
“Serve the Lord with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind. If you seek Him, he will be found by you. Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you. Be strong and DO THE WORK.” 1 Chronicles 28: 9-10.
Isn’t it time to put down the proverbial ice cream and do the work required?
May we allow the ROCK Eternal to plant His seeds deep within our hearts. May we “hear the word and accept it, and produce a crop – thirty, sixty or even a hundred times what was sown.” Mark 4:20
Now that’s a return and harvest only the Most High God can make possible for you. He created you for a very specific harvest. Check in with Him often and surely He’ll reveal the seeds for you to plant today and every day. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you abide in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” John 15: 5. Remain in Him and you’ll experience the joy of an abundant ROCKalicious harvest.