The weROCK logo is loaded with meaning. It all starts at the cross. Without it, there is no redemption. There is no rescue. Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, died an agonizing death on a cross to pay the price for our sins. Once and for all, He closed the gap that was caused when sin entered the world. Sin separates us from God. Always has always will. Our faith in Jesus Christ and our ongoing repentance fully restore our relationship with our Heavenly Father. Because of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, the free gift of Eternal Life is offered and available to every single person on this planet. JESUS ROCKS!
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weROCK Rock, Cross THE ROCK “O”
After Jesus was crucified, he died and was buried. A big rock was rolled across the front of the grave to supposedly seal his fate. Three days later that rock rolled. Nothing could contain the ROCK Eternal who emerged from the grave victorious. We soak in the magnitude of the words spoken at the grave on that third day: “He is not here. He is Risen.” His victory is our victory. Forever.
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Jesus was born to die. At His birth, the Gospel of John declares “the light that gives light to every person was coming into the world. In Him was life and that life was the light for all.” John 1:9, 4.

Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. In Him, our darkness dissipates. He shines His life, love and light into us so we can be His lights in this dark world. I’ve always loved the implied mission in this quote from an unknown source:

“Don’t blame the dark for being dark. Blame the light for not shining on the dark.”

Shine on!

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weROCK Cross, Rock Rays, ROCK THE FONT
It took some search time to discover this font but with it the logo hit the jackpot. It’s strong, solid and secure. Just like we are when we have our firm foundation in Jesus Christ, the ROCK Eternal. This life is hard but our foundation in Christ is harder. Through His unfailing love, we will not be shaken.
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weROCK Cross, Rock, Rays, weROCK we

The size and font selections were very intentional. The smaller font in lower case signifies that we are small and Jesus Christ the ROCK Eternal is big. He is God. We are not.

Notice how “we” leans into the ROCK? We can’t do this life alone. It’s too hard. Our ROCK Eternal is harder and He promises to uphold us when this world gets rough. Leaning hard into our God…this is how weROCK…this is how we roll. Click here to read our Declaration of Dependence and expand your trusting dependence on God.

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Purple Power


Purple has been my favorite color since I could talk. When I was five years old, I picked the purple room in our new house. I grew up in that room. It housed all of my purple Toughskins (aka: jeans). To this day I still have a passion for purple. Purple pedicures are my favorite. As it turns out, purple is the color of royalty. Who knew?

Back in the day when Jesus walked the earth, purple dye was very expensive. Purple linens and garments were reserved for royalty. Jesus, our King of kings and Lord of lords is the ultimate in royalty. And we are His beloved children which makes us ROCKroyalty. Soak in the power of purple and your identity in Him.

“How great is the love lavished on us that we are called children of the King,”
1 John 3:1