I would not have done this for just anyone but you’re special… I’ve always been athletic.  NEVER mathletic.  Numbers and I just don’t mix well but this was an important quest on your behalf.  You’re so worth it and the in-depth research is vitally important to your future.  So I fastened my seatbelt and faced the agony of pouring over numbers day in and day out to discover the truth.  I scrutinized studies dating back to pre-historic times.  I scoured mounds of statistical evidence.  I ran all the numbers through quadratic equations and performed complex regression analysis formulas.  Then I crunched some more.  I discussed the key finding with respected experts in the field.  In the end, no one can deny this statistical truth:  10 out of 10 people die.

No one gets a pass.  Eventually it will be curtains for all of us.  We will all spend eternity somewhere.

What if you could be certain of where you’re headed after you die?
What if you could settle this weighty question once and for all?
How would this assurance change the way you live day-to-day in this life?

We all face a decision of epic, eternal implications.  To accept Jesus Christ as our Savior or to reject Him.  A very long story short?  God created the world and also the first two people who enjoyed it.  It was perfect.  It was paradise.  The plot thickens.  A fallen angel named Lucifer, aka: Satan, was kicked out of heaven earlier because of his pride and desire to overthrow God.  He couldn’t overthrow God so he targeted God’s people (and he’s still at it today).  It was Satan’s disembodied spirit that successfully tempted Eve into disobeying God.  Adam fell into the same trap soon after.  Sin separates then and it still does today.  You and I were born into sin because we are descendants of Adam and Eve.  (Thanks a lot! Right?)

In a very different garden about 3,000 years later, Jesus Christ came to restore our relationship with God once and for all.   He came to close the gap caused by sin.  The relationship was broken with a breach in trust and it can be restored by trusting in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.  It’s all about TRUST.  You accept Him as your payment for sin and you’re IN!  Forever.

The Messiah: The One Who Saves

Whenever I doubt that it’s this simple I think to the scene of Jesus dying on the cross.  There were two criminals on either side of him being crucified at the same time so clearly they had broken the law (unlike Jesus who was falsely accused).  One of the criminals spoke to Jesus because He recognized Him as the Messiah, the One who Saves.  Jesus didn’t ask the guy to quick get down and jump through religious hoops in hopes of earning salvation.  The criminal was given the ticket to the eternal party when He recognized the saving power of the Messiah dying next to him.  And in response, Jesus said, “Today I will see you in Paradise.” The criminal was IN.

You can be too.  The decision is entirely yours.  And it’s between you and God.  Jesus said He stands at the door and knocks.  He loves you too much to stop knocking or leave in frustration.  When He was building the door to your heart, I believe He intentionally installed just one door handle.  And it’s on your side of the door.  He won’t bust into your life.  He’ll just patiently knock.


Heavenly Father,
I fully acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of your forgiveness.  Sin has separated me from you and I can’t close the gap on my own.  I can’t earn or negotiate my way back to you.   I need a Savior.  I believe that Jesus Christ paid the full penalty for my sin when He died on the cross.  When He rose from the dead on the third day, He made His victory over sin available to me.  I accept his free gift of Salvation.  Thank you for your grace to save me even though I am undeserving.  I give you my heart from this day forward.  Please show me how to start living and loving like you and for you.

If you accepted the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, YOU’RE IN!  The words you said aren’t as important as the faith and trust in your heart.  I look forward to enjoying the Eternal Party with you.  Click here to learn what you can do next.

If you’re still unsure, this just in!  Your invitation.