This summer…
If you’re sitting on the shore would you consider getting your feet wet?
If you’re wading in the shallow water how about venturing into greater depths?
If you’re already taking deep dives are you open to going deeper still?
Once upon a very, very long time ago God spoke things into existence. (Genesis 1). He had everything and everyone just as He desired and “it was good.” Really good! But the human race chose rebellion and so began God’s passionate pursuit to regain, redeem and restore His prized people. This redemptive pursuit story is otherwise known as the Bible and it’s the greatest love story ever told.
God’s story details a glorious beginning and a glorious ending. You and I are living somewhere in the middle of the story.
Have you read your story lately?
This Yankee moved from Boston to Atlanta in 1992. (Yes – they still call us Yankees down here.) I will never forget the initial culture shock. My first commute downtown on the MARTA train confirmed everything I’d ever heard about the Bible Belt. Three people on the train were actually studying their Bibles very intently. One of the women was even writing in her Bible. Gasp. The entire scene shocked me. I kept my distance from these Holy Roller Jesus Freaks.
All these years later, after coming to the very end of myself and recovering from ROCKbottom, I now know those three people held absolute POWER in their hands. My entire life, I’d listened to God’s Word on Sunday mornings. My life wasn’t transformed until I read it and studied it for myself beginning in 2001. I now know the difference between a religion and a relationship. These days I hang out most mornings with God and curl up with the Bible. God’s Word has unspeakable power that I can’t find words to describe. His Words will make you whole and create in you an inner strength that is unshakeable. No matter what this world throws at you.
This broken world is a sea of perplexity complete with breaking waves of confusion, uncertainty and despair. Rough waters are frequent on the surface of our lives. This is why I love scuba diving. No matter how rough the waters on the surface are – once you start descending a resounding peace and stillness take over. And so it is with God’s Word. The deeper you go the deeper the peace you experience.
If you’ve never cracked open God’s Word consider wading in with one of the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, which recount the 33 years Jesus walked this earth. Or perhaps the book of Proverbs which is packed with wisdom and guidance to fully equip you for life no matter what your belief system.
If you’re already swimming in God’s Word on a regular basis – what would it look like for you to dive in deeper? Unlike the ocean’s floor, the depths of God’s love has no end. “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!” “His greatness no one can fathom.” Romans 11:33 & Psalm 145:3 Simply put, we can’t get to the end of God’s greatness, love, mercy and grace. We have plenty of infinite Truth to dive into while we, as spiritual beings, live out this human experience.
The crashing waves and ever changing winds of earthly life won’t quiet until God decides it’s time for the glorious ending of His story as revealed in the book of Revelation. As we live out the middle of the story, reading His Word and putting it into practice will ensure your part of the story is glorious. Perhaps on the journey this can be your prayer: “Deeper” by Meredith Andrews.
There’s a reason the Bible is called the LIVING Word of God and Jesus referred to it as LIVING WATER. It’s where the life is. Get some this summer.