It sounds so obvious and so common sense. But is it common practice? Christians and non-Christians alike know the importance of starting with a solid foundation before building anything of significance. The quality of the foundation determines the quality of the whole. This is vitally important and especially true when it comes to building a life.
As you’ve launched into this fresh new year, have you gone with the same tired resolutions or are you up for going deeper? Have you thought about the foundation you’re building your life on? How do you fare when the inevitable storms of life hit and gale force winds tear at the very core of you? Can your foundation survive the unbridled fury?
“As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When the flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built. But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.” Luke 6:47-49
Quick update. This will be the last weROCK blog for a time. A few life storms need my full attention. This is not my first season of tough storms. I’ve learned that the old familiar hymn sings of Truth…”on Christ the solid ROCK I stand. All other ground is sinking sand.”
My sinking sand foundations, yes plural, fell like dominos over the course of the past decade. The first domino to fall was my health, which caused my career as I knew it to crumble. In addition, important relationships collapsed which was a crushing blow to me, given that I’d grounded my value and significance on the opinions and acceptance of others.
Forced to be still, I realized that my entire identity, worth and significance were all wrapped up in my performance and how much I could accomplish in a day to show the world that I had it all together. Somehow I thought if I could be successful in the eyes of others I would gain their approval and thereby validate my significance and worth. This ever-shifting foundation was destroying me. I’ll never forget my business coach, Fran, asking me when we first met, “Do your kids ever see you sit down?”
And so began my detox from the drug of doing. I came to the very end of myself. That’s where God met me in the most profound and personal way. He gently helped me rebuild my life on a foundation that will forever be ROCKsolid. My growing relationship with Jesus Christ grounds me daily. Some days it takes all I have to sit still; in fact I’ve considered installing a seat belt in my prayer chair. Yet as I quiet myself and enter into His presence through prayer, worship and studying and applying His Word, I am reminded:
He is God and I am not.
I don’t have to carry the heavy burdens – He invites me to cast all my cares on Him.
My strength, peace and resources are limited. His are abundantly limitless.
I’m fully and completely loved by God. Period. I don’t have to earn it.
I don’t have to do anything to try and earn anything because it’s all been done on the cross.
All is not good in this world but He will work it all for good.
Pleasing God brings freedom. People-pleasing brings bondage.
I can place my full confidence in and entire life on the unshakeable foundation of Jesus Christ rather than the ever-shifting and sinking foundations offered by this world.
Each day I have the choice to cling to my will or submit to His.
I can rest in God’s full forgiveness, total acceptance, complete love and ultimate sovereignty. He fills me up so I can go out into a hurting world and extend to others all that He has so freely given to me. Forgiveness. Acceptance. Love.
I see this time of current testing as a chance to fortify my foundation. I’ve come to learn that God uses the storms of life to go deeper and deeper with His beloved children. How can we know the Great Comforter if we never need comfort? How can we know the Great Healer if we never need healing in mind, body and spirit?
I wish there were an easier way but in this broken world the storms will continue to come. And as they rage harder and harder you can lean harder and harder into your Heavenly Father. He wants to be your unshakeable foundation. He will keep you grounded no matter what. Here’s what I know for sure – when you seek Him you will find Him. His promise – not mine. He will come through for you and keep you grounded with His presence, power and peace. A growing relationship with Jesus Christ is a reality you can build a life on.
“Truly he is my ROCK and my salvation: He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 62:2
“You are complete in Him. Nothing can shake you!” Colossians 2:10
“There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no ROCK like our God.” 1 Samuel 2:2