
Last month I wrote about this same scene from Los Cabos.  I fell in love with the Sea of Cortez during my husband’s annual President’s Club trip.  I spent hours in front of this rock – my prayer chair was a mound of sand covered by a beach towel.  The waves were not always serene and soothing as shown last month.  These photos were taken as the tide roared in like machine-gun fire and the waves fiercely crashed to shore.

And so it is with the evil and brokenness that relentlessly and violently rock your world.  Life can be rolling along beautifully and in an instant it can all be slammed against a rock.  O.K.  I admit this isn’t exactly a cotton candy topic but the reality is there are two opposing kingdoms at work.

The abundant light and life of God’s Kingdom was the only deal in town…before Satan’s Kingdom entered in and brought with it all of its death, darkness and devastation.  To this day, Satan and his boys are out to kill, steal and destroy.  To live in this fallen world is to endure torment and trouble.  Count on it.

But this shouldn’t come as a surprise.  Jesus gave us the heads-up when he said, “I have told you these things so that IN ME YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. In this world you will have trouble but take heart!  I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.” John 16:33

So when life rages all around you, how do you get this “IN ME PEACE” Jesus promised?  HANG OUT WITH HIM.  It’s where the life is.  IT’S WHERE THE VICTORY IS.  He will “set you high upon a rock in the day of trouble” (Psalm 27: 5) so you can stand firm.  Stay filled up with His presence and His Word and you can slam the door shut on the enemy.  SATAN WILL PUT UP A WICKED FIGHT BUT HE CAN NOT DEFEAT YOU IF YOU DON’T GRANT HIM ACCESS.

Back to the scene in Los Cabos…get this!  As I’m reading my devotional book near the thunderous waves, these passages jumped off the page:

Lord God, the enemy boasted, ‘I will pursue and overtake them.  I will destroy them.’  But you can blow your breath and cause the sea to cover the enemy.  You can cause my enemy to sink like lead in the mighty waters!”  Exodus 15:9-10

And five pages later…
You, Lord, reign.  You are robed in majesty and You are armed with strength.  Your throne was firmly established long ago; it cannot be moved.  You are mightier than the thunder of great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea – the Lord on high is mighty.”  Psalm 93:1-2, 4

When you find yourself between a ROCK and a hard place…choose the mighty ROCK Eternal over the difficulties of this life.  Let Him overpower the one who seeks to overpower you.

If you’re waiting for the waters of your life to return to a state of calm – or if you need some pump up music in the midst of a raging spiritual battle – blast Waging War by Cece Winans.  Sing it Cece!

Be not shaken.  Be not moved.

Remain ROCKsteady!

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