No Elevator.  Only Steps.

Dreams are exhilarating.  Goals are inspiring.  Imaginings are fun.  It all sounds so great and glamorous. Until it comes time to SIT DOWN AND DO THE WORK.  This is when most people check out or make excuses or find busy work to distract and avoid the work required.  I know because I’ve done it all myself.  I’ve organized all my Presidents to face forward in my wallet.  I’ve left my desk to organize a drawer.  I’ve buried myself in emails and websites and research and seminars. All other pursuits can sound so noble when avoiding the work it takes to build a dream.  Step by step.

Creating the content for this website was an enormous task far bigger than I ever imagined. But it’s a BIG day!  I just submitted the last bit of copy to Sara, my web designer.  This blog is the final step before launch.  Unfortunately, I am fresh out of words.  I need to recharge.  I need to stop eating heaping bowls of baked Cheetohs late into the night and into the early hours of the morning.  I need to get back to full nights of sleep.  I need to get back to the gym.

This entire process has reminded me that the dreams we elevate and cherish do not come with elevators.  There are no express trips.  We have to take the stairs.  Day in and day out.  One small step at a time. Here’s a photo of a big dumpster I pass every day in my neighborhood and it reminds me that dream building takes the “Double D”…DAILY DISCIPLINE.

What small step can you take today to move closer to your dream?  How about tomorrow?  And the day after that?

I’ll leave you with the verses I carry in my purse to inspire me on this journey that ROCKS.  King David said these words to his son Solomon who was to build an enormous temple, “Be strong and courageous and DO THE WORK.  Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you.  He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work is finished.” 1 Chronicles 28:9-20. The finished temple had no elevators.

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