ROCK your schedule

Try as you might – you can’t manage time. Time marches on no matter what you think you can do to it. You can, however, manage yourself. You can be intentional and disciplined in how you choose to spend your time.

How will you spend your time well in 2012?

As we launch into a grand New Year, I want to share one of the best demonstrations I’ve ever seen on the importance of being intentional when planning our days. Stephen Covey, best-selling author best known for his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People begins his demonstration with a clear container which represents a day. Big rocks, representing big priorities, are then placed in the container and Stephen asks, “Is this full?” He then adds smaller rocks which tumble around to fill the empty spaces in between the big rocks. He asks again, “Is this full?” Sand is poured in and fills the vacant spaces leaving the container visibly full. But Stephen knows it can hold more. He pours water in to prove it.

THE POINT IS WE MUST PUT THE BIG IMPORTANT ROCKS IN FIRST. If we don’t, we’ll get lost in the non-important and the seemingly urgent matters of life will consume our days. To demonstrate this point, Stephen reverses the order and starts with the water, then sand, then small rocks. Reverse the order and there is no room for the big rocks – the big priorities. They simply don’t fit in. Keep this simple yet profound demonstration in mind as you plan your days this year.

I’d like to add one ROCK to Mr. Covey’s demonstration. The most important ROCK of all time. The ROCKstar of all ages. I’d like to suggest you PUT THE ROCK ETERNAL, JESUS CHRIST, IN FIRST. “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from Him. HE ALONE IS MY ROCK and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:1-2.

Consider starting out most mornings with Him. CARVE OUT A POCKET OF PEACE BEFORE THE DAY CAN TAKE YOU AWAY. SCHEDULE TIME WITH GOD LIKE YOU WOULD ANY OTHER APPOINTMENT. You can certainly hang out with God any time but it’s best to “turn the lights on” at the start of your day. Adopting this discipline may cost you some sleep but the R.O.I. ROCKS!

There is something mightily powerful and perspective-changing about starting the day with sacred moments.
“The man plans his course but the Lord directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9.

There are so many benefits to getting in touch with the Father each morning. One of my favorites is the PEACE that comes in remembering He is God and I am not. I can REST IN THE SECURITY OF HIS PLANS, NOT MY OWN. I can SURRENDER IT ALL AND TRUST IN HIM. PERIOD. That’s a big deal to this high-octane woman who struggles yet desires to be led, not driven. What I find most interesting is how twisted and stressed-out I can get if I miss a day or two of placing the ROCK Eternal in my day first.

Here are some important things for you to remember as it relates to this early morning time with God:
* THERE IS NO WRONG WAY TO HANG OUT WITH GOD. If you’re wondering what to do in your chair (chair not required) click here for a few ideas.

Sit. Stay. Restore. ROCKon. You’re not a slacker if you miss a day or if you choose never to hang out with God. But IT’S WHERE THE LIFE IS. GET SOME!

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