The Best Drink On The ROCKS

Welcome to the gentler pace of summer.  Have you made your plans to enjoy the water this season?  There’s just something about the water!  The sheer beauty of it all can render me speechless.  The experience of growing up on the shores of Lake Michigan instilled in me a hardwired need to connect with water – the connection forged brings a deep sense of peace, renewal and fulfillment.

I’ve always felt God’s presence most profoundly in, on or near the water which makes it the perfect place to hang out with Him.  The summer months mean my regular prayer chair will often be replaced by my beach chair.  I took these photos as a reminder that my chair can be anywhere.

In John 4:14, Jesus says, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up.” And here’s the best part of all – it’s FREE.  “Let them take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17.

Consider this:  You are a cup of water.  You expend a little water in all of your giving, living, serving, relating, working and loving.  Your water level goes down until you are eventually depleted.  This world can flat out drain you of all you’ve got.  Where do you turn when you are running on E.M.P.T.Y.?  When you are parched – pulling up a chair to hang out with God is like pulling up to a giant, icy drinking fountain on a sun scorched day.  Make it a Son soaked day and BE FILLED with an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF LIVING WATER.

You’ve been given a promise – if you drink of the Living Water your spirit will never thirst.  You will be continuously filled up and your cup will never run dry. Imagine always living, giving, serving, relating, working and loving from A PLACE OF FULLNESS…

Have you made your plans to enjoy the Living Water this summer?  There’s just something about the Living Water!  Be replenished.  Be cleansed.  Be refreshed.

When you run dry this summer, rest by the shore to restore and crank up “Calling for a Flood” by John Waller…

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