What if you could feel content and complete no matter what comes your way?
What if you could learn to adjust and trust in every season of life?
The answer is found in nine simple words.
Simple to understand – tough to live out.
Once upon a time, in a garden long, long ago, all was perfect in paradise. That is until discontent crept into the Garden of Eden. In time, God’s prized creations decided they knew better than God. Trust was broken.
About 3,000 years later, in a different garden, Jesus agonized over His impending death. He pleaded with God to find an easier way to restore the broken trust between God and man. It is in these moments in the Garden of Gethsemane that you’ll find the secret to accepting God’s plan for your life. It is in these words of Christ you can find the secret to blooming wherever God plants you:
“Not my will, Father, but your will be done.”
This TRANSFER OF TRUST can be agonizing. The tougher the season the tougher it is to make the transfer and…the greater the opportunity to EXPAND YOUR TRUST IN GOD.
It’s this transfer of trust that fills much of my time when I hang out with God most mornings. It’s in my chair that I can adjust to the seasons and storms of life I’d rather skip. It’s in the stillness of the morning that I sense God gently whisper, “Trust me. I know some day you will see why this had to be.”
What I’ve learned is that April showers do in fact bring May flowers in the form of resiliency and growth that just couldn’t happen any other way. I believe the challenges of this life can prompt us to GROW UP in our gardens as well as grow stronger roots of faithfulness and patient endurance.
Jesus Christ, the ROCK ETERNAL, wants to be placed in the center of your garden called life. HIS PRESENCE CHANGES EVERYTHING. Allow the Son to shine on all that you do and just watch what will grow. No matter what season you currently find yourself in, plant seeds of trust, faith, love and service. Color in vibrant hues the garden you’ve been given.