Greetings on this Christmas countdown week. My greatest wish for you is that you find success in trading out the pace for the peace of Christmas.
So far, I give myself a B- moving towards an A- as my long list shortens. I carved out a pocket of peace last week and ended up in a book of the Bible I’ve never been in before (I’ve only been reading God’s Word for seven years. I did religion most of my life and was seriously Bible-blind). A cross reference sent me to Micah 5:5. Once I found it, I read this Old Testament prophecy: “And He will be their peace.” What a great truth in this season of celebrating the Prince of Peace.
I have a reliable pace-buster when I feel the frantic frenzy creeping in. At day’s end, I go out to our front lawn and in the quiet of the night, under the star-filled sky, I simply soak in this scene and re-focus on the Prince of Peace. I stay outside until the peace comes:
Choose PEACE this Christmas and throughout the New Year.
O Come Let Us Adore Him,