
August 19th, 2011

Last month I wrote about this same scene from Los Cabos.  I fell in love with the Sea of Cortez during my husband’s annual President’s Club trip.  I spent hours in front of this rock – my prayer chair was a mound of sand covered by a beach towel.  The waves were not always serene and soothing as shown last month.  These photos were taken as the tide roared in like machine-gun fire and the waves fiercely crashed to shore.

And so it is with the evil and brokenness that relentlessly and violently rock your world.  Life can be rolling along beautifully and in an instant it can all be slammed against a rock.  O.K.  I admit this isn’t exactly a cotton candy topic but the reality is there are two opposing kingdoms at work.

The abundant light and life of God’s Kingdom was the only deal in town…before Satan’s Kingdom entered in and brought with it all of its death, darkness and devastation.  To this day, Satan and his boys are out to kill, steal and destroy.  To live in this fallen world is to endure torment and trouble.  Count on it.

But this shouldn’t come as a surprise.  Jesus gave us the heads-up when he said, “I have told you these things so that IN ME YOU MAY HAVE PEACE. In this world you will have trouble but take heart!  I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD.” John 16:33

So when life rages all around you, how do you get this “IN ME PEACE” Jesus promised?  HANG OUT WITH HIM.  It’s where the life is.  IT’S WHERE THE VICTORY IS.  He will “set you high upon a rock in the day of trouble” (Psalm 27: 5) so you can stand firm.  Stay filled up with His presence and His Word and you can slam the door shut on the enemy.  SATAN WILL PUT UP A WICKED FIGHT BUT HE CAN NOT DEFEAT YOU IF YOU DON’T GRANT HIM ACCESS.

Back to the scene in Los Cabos…get this!  As I’m reading my devotional book near the thunderous waves, these passages jumped off the page:

Lord God, the enemy boasted, ‘I will pursue and overtake them.  I will destroy them.’  But you can blow your breath and cause the sea to cover the enemy.  You can cause my enemy to sink like lead in the mighty waters!”  Exodus 15:9-10

And five pages later…
You, Lord, reign.  You are robed in majesty and You are armed with strength.  Your throne was firmly established long ago; it cannot be moved.  You are mightier than the thunder of great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea – the Lord on high is mighty.”  Psalm 93:1-2, 4

When you find yourself between a ROCK and a hard place…choose the mighty ROCK Eternal over the difficulties of this life.  Let Him overpower the one who seeks to overpower you.

If you’re waiting for the waters of your life to return to a state of calm – or if you need some pump up music in the midst of a raging spiritual battle – blast Waging War by Cece Winans.  Sing it Cece!

Be not shaken.  Be not moved.

Remain ROCKsteady!

ROCKfest. LOVEfest. FREEDOMfest.

July 12th, 2011

Sunscreen? CHECK.
Beach Towel? CHECK.
God’s Peace-filled Presence? CHECK.

These photos were taken recently in Los Cabos while I was enjoying my husband’s annual President’s Club trip. The Sea of Cortez is stunningly gorgeous and most of my mornings were spent at the shore sitting in front of this rock. My prayer chair was a mound of sand covered by a beach towel.

As I watched for hours, it dawned on me that God’s love is much like the soothing constancy of these waves. His steadfast love covers us whether we acknowledge it or not. It just “is” and there is nothing we, His beloved creations, can DO about it.

I had a lot of time to reflect as I watched the waves dance their way over and around the rock. I recalled that it took me more than 30 years to figure out that I DON’T HAVE TO EARN GOD’S LOVE. In studying God’s Word over the years, I’ve learned that my behaviors and completed religious checklists do NOT shape God’s love for me. Rather, GOD’S LOVE FOR ME SHAPES MY BEHAVIORS. It’s not about what I do – it’s all about who I am and whose I am. His love is fully mine before I DO anything. Period. This was a life-changing truth and it led me to discover that it’s the relationship not the religion that ROCKS.

This month, I linked His love to freedom not only because of July 4th in the U.S.A. but because I am finally beginning to grasp the depths of His love. Studying God’s Word and absorbing what He says about you and me can truly bring freedom. Freedom to fully believe and receive God’s love. Freedom to reject all the things people say about you that does not line up with who God says you are. Freedom from the bondage and idolatry of living for the approval and opinion of others in order to earn love and acceptance. Freedom from addictions – aka: looking for love in all the wrong places.

It’s been quite a journey and one I am still walking on but when I veer off course I know where I can go. I GO TO THE SOURCE OF ALL LOVE FOR A FILL-UP AND RE-ALIGNMENT WITH WHAT HE SAYS. After my God appointment I am filled with an abundance of love to give to myself and others.

You are loved. You are precious. You are greatly treasured. Because God says so! His love for you is as sure as the never ending waves coming to shore. Here’s a love letter He wrote to you. Soak it up.


The Best Drink On The ROCKS

June 3rd, 2011

Welcome to the gentler pace of summer.  Have you made your plans to enjoy the water this season?  There’s just something about the water!  The sheer beauty of it all can render me speechless.  The experience of growing up on the shores of Lake Michigan instilled in me a hardwired need to connect with water – the connection forged brings a deep sense of peace, renewal and fulfillment.

I’ve always felt God’s presence most profoundly in, on or near the water which makes it the perfect place to hang out with Him.  The summer months mean my regular prayer chair will often be replaced by my beach chair.  I took these photos as a reminder that my chair can be anywhere.

In John 4:14, Jesus says, “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up.” And here’s the best part of all – it’s FREE.  “Let them take the free gift of the water of life.” Revelation 22:17.

Consider this:  You are a cup of water.  You expend a little water in all of your giving, living, serving, relating, working and loving.  Your water level goes down until you are eventually depleted.  This world can flat out drain you of all you’ve got.  Where do you turn when you are running on E.M.P.T.Y.?  When you are parched – pulling up a chair to hang out with God is like pulling up to a giant, icy drinking fountain on a sun scorched day.  Make it a Son soaked day and BE FILLED with an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF LIVING WATER.

You’ve been given a promise – if you drink of the Living Water your spirit will never thirst.  You will be continuously filled up and your cup will never run dry. Imagine always living, giving, serving, relating, working and loving from A PLACE OF FULLNESS…

Have you made your plans to enjoy the Living Water this summer?  There’s just something about the Living Water!  Be replenished.  Be cleansed.  Be refreshed.

When you run dry this summer, rest by the shore to restore and crank up “Calling for a Flood” by John Waller…

Your ROCKgarden

May 23rd, 2011

What if you could feel content and complete no matter what comes your way?
What if you could learn to adjust and trust in every season of life?
The answer is found in nine simple words.
Simple to understand – tough to live out.

Once upon a time, in a garden long, long ago, all was perfect in paradise.  That is until discontent crept into the Garden of Eden.  In time, God’s prized creations decided they knew better than God.  Trust was broken.

About 3,000 years later, in a different garden, Jesus agonized over His impending death.  He pleaded with God to find an easier way to restore the broken trust between God and man.  It is in these moments in the Garden of Gethsemane that you’ll find the secret to accepting God’s plan for your life.  It is in these words of Christ you can find the secret to blooming wherever God plants you:

“Not my will, Father, but your will be done.”

This TRANSFER OF TRUST can be agonizing. The tougher the season the tougher it is to make the transfer and…the greater the opportunity to EXPAND YOUR TRUST IN GOD.

It’s this transfer of trust that fills much of my time when I hang out with God most mornings.  It’s in my chair that I can adjust to the seasons and storms of life I’d rather skip.  It’s in the stillness of the morning that I sense God gently whisper, “Trust me.  I know some day you will see why this had to be.”

What I’ve learned is that April showers do in fact bring May flowers in the form of resiliency and growth that just couldn’t happen any other way.   I believe the challenges of this life can prompt us to GROW UP in our gardens as well as grow stronger roots of faithfulness and patient endurance.

Jesus Christ, the ROCK ETERNAL, wants to be placed in the center of your garden called life.  HIS PRESENCE CHANGES EVERYTHING.  Allow the Son to shine on all that you do and just watch what will grow.  No matter what season you currently find yourself in, plant seeds of trust, faith, love and service.  Color in vibrant hues the garden you’ve been given.

Resurrection Power ROCKS

April 12th, 2011

What comes to your mind when you look at this photo?  The topics of Jesus Christ and the cross can be so polarizing.  I drive by this enormous cross at least four times a day and the sheer size of it brings to my mind, most often, one word:  POWER.  Power over death.  Power over sin so sin cannot win.  The power of resurrection.

The events of that Resurrection Sunday more than 2,000 years ago mean that what Jesus said about Himself was true.  The dead man who was resurrected said… “I am the Living One.  I was dead and behold I am alive forever and ever.”  “I am the Way, The Truth and the Life.” That’s some serious supernatural RESURRECTION POWER.

Here’s the best news of all:  that same resurrection power that brought Jesus back to life is available to each and every one of us when we choose to live in His everlasting power rather than our own limited power.  Jesus said he’ll pour out the POWER OF HIS SPIRIT on all who call on His name.

What areas of your life need POWER POURED IN?  Are you feeling spiritually dead?  Are some of your important relationships dead?  A dead marriage?  A dead end job or job search?  Have your hope and passion for life been crucified?

This Easter season is the perfect time to lay it all down at the foot of the cross. Be assured that God can restore the dead things in your life.   Invite Him in.  Remain in Him.  Cry out for Him to infuse you with His RESURRECTION POWER.  Anticipate LIFE being restored.

This song by Nicole Sponberg is one of my favorites to blast when “I’m in need of resurrection.” Take a listen.  Power up.  ROCKon!